Water consumption and its effects:
Water consumption is an essential for the survival and development of life. Between 50%
and 80% of the human body is made up of water. Human body relies on water for many
functions such as regulating body temperature, absorbing nutrients, protecting organs and
tissue, making hormones and neurotransmitters, moistening eyes, nose and mouth,
lubricating joints to help you move, transporting oxygen to all parts of the body and
supporting cell growth and reproduction. People usually ask about, ‘how much water
should they drink?’ and the common response to this is ‘one to three litres’. The actual
answer is, amount of water that someone should drink depends on how an individual
metabolism works, the temperature they live in, their eating, their age and if they have any
medical condition. The human body loses water through many different ways e.g.
performing physical activity, sweating, breathing, urination, regulation of the cells, tissue
and organs, and many more. The possible signs of dehydration include bad breath, dry or
flushed skin, muscle cramps, Fever, chills, food cravings especially for sweets and
headaches.In this blog we will talk about how each organ depends on the water
consumption and what will be the effects if there is any presence of dehydration.
Water exists throughout the body. Our human brain is composed of approximately 80% of
water. If water levels are too low, it can affect the brain cells functioning, leading to
cognitive problems. If water intake is insufficient to replace free water loss, it may lead to
dehydration. Dehydrated brain may show signs of increased neuronal activation which can
impairs performance in tasks that require attention, psychomotor and immediate memory
Our kidneys are composed of approximately 80% of water. Dehydration has multiple effects
on the kidney, leading to urinary concentration due to activation of vasopressin that occurs
as a result of increase in serum osmolarity due to the loss of body water. Dehydration may
also lead to ‘pre-renal state’. It is a state when there is a sudden reduction in blood flow to
the kidney causing a loss of kidney function. Dehydration and reduction in GFR function of
the kidney can increase the risk of kidney injury. The other risks that may result in renal
injury are use of pesticides, agrochemicals, heavy metals or other potential exposures.
Inadequate water in the body makes it difficult for the kidneys to function at its best. It can
lead to a concentrated urine which cause minerals from the urine to accumulate in crystal
formation. These crystal formations get deposited in the kidney, causing kidney stones.
Our heart is composed of 75% of water. Heart is a hollow muscular organ that pumps the
blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation. Loss of water
cause strain on the heart. The function of circulation of blood and volume of blood
decreases when the body is dehydrated. To compensate, the heart beats faster, increasing
the heart rate which can result in palpitations. Blood will retain more sodium which makes
blood harder to circulate throughout the body. When these is a lack of water in cells, the
brain sends a signal to the pituitary gland to secrete vasopressin, a chemical that causes
constriction of the blood vessels. This causes blood pressure to increase which leads to
Our lungs are composed of approximately 75% of water. Dehydration can affect the mucus
to thicken which slows down the overall respiration and risk the individual to illness,
allergies and other respiratory problems. The movement of fluid between the airspaces,
interstitial, and vascular compartments in the lungs plays an important physiological role in
the maintenance of hydration and protection of the lung epithelium and significantly
contributes to a proper airway clearance. Dehydration can lead to difficulty to clear out
mucus, chronic bronchitis, breathing problems and exacerbation of Asthma/Allergies.
Our muscles are composed of approximately 70% of water. Muscles are attached to the
bones, internal organs and blood vessels. The function of muscles is movement through
contraction. Dehydration can cause muscle spasms and cramping which lead to joint pain.
When the body becomes dehydrated, it loses electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and
chloride. The loss of electrolytes will result in muscle weakness and fatigue. Dehydration
negatively affects the contractibility by affecting thermal regulation, altering water
movement across cell membranes and interfering with actin-myosin cross-bridge formation.
Dehydration cause insufficiency of muscle function as a result the supporting joints and
bones can get affected. It causes the joints to rub against each other, causing weakening
and wearing over time.
Our liver is composed of approximately 70% of water. Liver removes toxins from the body’s
blood supply, maintains healthy blood sugar levels, regulating blood clotting, digesting fats,
storing significant amounts of vitamins A,D, E, K and B12, as well as iron and copper.
Dehydration cause dysfunction of the liver which cause toxins to build you in the body due
to infrequent urination. Due to blood vessels compression, it can also cause contraction of
bile ducts in the liver. These contractions can result in the formation of gallstones.
To find out if your body is dehydrated or if there is something else, skin test is a way to
check. In this test, use two fingers to pinch up some skin on the back of the hand, and then
let the skin go. The skin should bounce back to its normal position in less than a couple of
seconds. If the skin returns to normal more slowly, there are chances that the individual is
dehydrated. The ways to rehydrate the body are drinking water. It is the most convenient
and cheapest way to stay hydrated. Consuming more fruits and vegetables. Avoiding
alcohol, excessive caffeine will also help in staying hydrated. Avoiding excessive exercises
will also help to preserve the hydrated status.
In conclusion, each cell, tissues, organs and body systems are hugely dependant on the
adequate water consumption; therefore, it is extremely important to maintain good
hydration levels to allow the body to function at its best.